*"Every good book is re-readable." - MS
- Pg. 297
--political diatribe on immigrants
--history of Alice becomes the history of England which becomes the history of the world
*Relationship between:
- history and myth
- dream
- art
*Talbot seems to find a consolation to the decrepitude of age, passing, ephemeral life in Alice
- cycles, re-birth
*Write about your Favorite Alice Chapter
*Ronnie's Blog - "its refreshing to just be"
- does the remembering take away the quality of be-ing?

*Violence in Alice - are these stories for children?
- Apocalyptic - divine world vs. demonic counterpart
- Pg. 290 - our lives are dream-like
-- Shakespeare's Tempest - "we are such stuff as dreams are made of"
- The Worm as the Mythological basis for the lochness moster
- Death of the Venerable Bede - we are here one day and not the next
--A-B-C-D-E-A-T-H (Book and Heart Film)
- Looking Glass is the winter, concerned with the ephemeral, dying, passing
*Alice is immortalized in art
- she becomes a muse only after she is painted or characterized by Carroll
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