*Pullman Pg. 363-370
-Keats' negative capability
- Coleridge "willing suspension of disbelief" vs. Pullman's "willing suspension of certainty"
- we can never be certain of what we have to say
*Lyre = musical instrument that is played by the wind (LYRA - main character of Dark Materials)

- "shadows are collections of particles...you can't see them unless you expect to see them"
- nonsense is a way of cleaning out the system, of making us uncertain
- Mary Malone calls her computer "the cave" - reference to Plato and reality as shadows on the wall
*Pg. 379 - Sunderland
- "the cat Will had seen in Sunderland Avenue"
- has Pullman read/seen Talbot?
- "it is a poor sort of memory that only works one way" - Red Queen in Looking Glass
- lieth - lethe = river of the gods that causes the drinker to forget
- "a-lethe" = taking away the forgotten, remembering (truth)
- I Ching reading of broken and un-broken lines
* 6 Degrees of Separation
- Definition of DUST
- Pullman's list of essential reading includes Wallace Stevens and Glen Gould
- Gould is a Canadian pianist who played Bach's Goldberg Variations in a groundbreaking and pure way - a portal to Bach
- 32 short films about Glen Gould
*the Idea of North

- Katie's blog - Stevens' Autumn
- central metaphor of the trilogy is the Northern Lights
- Northern Lights as the serpent
- Stanza 6 of Stevens - theater floating through the clouds, the cloud transforms
- Northern Lights as a metaphor for consciousness
- "scholar of one candle"
*Golden Compass, Subtle Knife, Amber Spyglass are all instruments allowing us to use/see imagination
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