* Class started with a wonderful production of Bach's Solo Cello Suite #1 by Raquel
- SUBLIME = exaltation, transcendence from the ordinary realm into one in which words are not possible
- literature aspires to music because music doesn't require a question about meaning - you may simply ask what it is
- The Matrix and TS Elliot's 4 Quartets are drawn from Alice
- starts with an annoying, didactic poem admonishing children not to be idle, but in Wonderland didactic poems come out all wrong because the psyche of Alice has been changed
- when Alice enters the Portal of the rabbit hole, her very self is changed and so also must the way she sees and remembers the world be changed
- in these words, there are no morals
- see Kayla's blogs on Alice
- satire, cynicism, parody
- Carroll is eviscerating didactic poetry (to disembowel)
*Book and Heart
- "human nature is misplaced concreteness"
- Frye - "literature liberates us into play" (Anatomy of Criticism)
- children's literature goes beyond the cautionary
- the world of children is a world of metaphor, not simile
- "Life imitates art far more than art imitates life." - Oscar Wilde

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